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“Your body is a complete marvel. The more you study its anatomy and how each part works in harmony,
The more you will be convinced that you didn't just evolve. You were designed from the beginning by the hand of a Master.”
- Toni Sorenson, The Great Brain Cleansera


Human qualities such as the limitation of our capacity to store knowledge, the capacity of human energy expenditure, limits of human strength affect our interaction with the Universe and its objects. Our body is based on rhythms – the circadian rhythm, the biorhythm, the cyclical beating of the heart, respiration, bowel movement, sleeping and waking are some examples. These also affect our connection with the Universe. Human perception is also limited to senses and the nervous system.

The signals from the environment are distributed between the conscious and subconscious to help us concentrate. In the context of connecting with the Universe, this concept is important to understand in conditioning techniques such as prayer and meditation. Our thoughts, words and deeds also interact with those around us affecting us and those around us in powerful ways.
The inner voice helps us analyze every encounter of our conscious existence. It works through our intuition or instinct and translates these “gut feelings” into a verbal from. Instinct and intuition are feelings that drive us to react or behave in a certain way when encountering a certain person or a situation, without using conscious reasoning or logic and not fully understanding why we are doing so. Possibly, premonition or the sixth sense is also based on the same phenomenon.
The book describes in detail how these attributes of the human mind can be channelised to create a synchronous connection with the Universal Energy and the energy of all the objects within it, for achieving an everlasting harmony with the Universe and its objects.


Keeping the body healthy through appropriate food habits, adequate sleep and regular exercise helps nourish our energy which we call the soul. It also makes us active and efficient, boosts our immunity and wards off many ailments. These habits also help us to concentrate on heightening our connection with the Universe. Read the book to understand more about healthy food choices, simple methods to ensure a good sleep and how to exercise daily. Click on gthe image above to order your copy today!


Emotions form in the mind all the time that we are awake, conscious and alive. By learning to control reflex responses, it is possible to be a silent, conscious witness to our emotions and reserve our reactions until we process our emotions in the context of our sociocultural and educational conditioning, logic, reasoning, memory and so on and then decide on a reaction, that we judge as being most appropriate


Creative visualization helps focusing your mind on your dreams and sending signals through your conscious communications and subconscious mind to the Universe and set into motion the necessary objects, people and organizations to help you to realize your dream. There are several excellent works on creative visualization. I would encourage you to read these to start with, if your interest is principally in realizing your goals through the strength of the mind.
Noetic science studies the link between intuition, instinct, emotions, aspirations and other aspects of the subconscious mind, the conscious mind and its thoughts, reasoning and conscious actions, and the effect of the power of such signals on current and future events and people. The Institute of Noetic Science, IONS is a nodal organization that has several resources on noetic science besides conducting several seminars and programs. If this interests you, do visit their website – it is a one-stop shop on noetic science!


It is possible to be a silent witness to our emotions and reserve reaction until we can process our emotions in the context of our sociocultural and educational conditioning, logic, reasoning, memory and judge what would be the most most appropriate response.
Spirituality is a state in which our body, mind and soul connects with the Universal Energy, with or without the help of any form of religious activity. When we are able to achieve a state of happiness that comes from within, independent of people or circumstances, we are relaxed, satisfied and we experience spiritual bliss while still living the daily routine life.

Distractions such as risk to personal safety, natural and man-made disasters, even strong sexual desire can disturb our spiritual pursuits and therefore, our harmonious connection with the Universe. But food, sex, clothing, shelter, safety and comfort are basic needs and we need to learn how to handle these without them distracting our connection with the Universe.
The book explains in detail, how these distractions can be overcome and how the best use can be made out of even the worst situations, to emerge strong and victorious so that our connection with the Universe remains strong and unperturbed.

“One who, at the final moment, Gives up the body remembering any idea whatsoever, Becomes,
with certainty, the object of that idea, Being absorbed in it by constant contemplation”
- The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8, Verse 6