There is a distinct shift of focus from mass to energy in every field of research. There is a swing from printed material to electronic media; the subjects of study are also focused more on energy than mass. It is vital to recognize this shift. Sooner or later human beings will move towards integrating their body energy with the energy of the Universe, using the results of such research.
It has taken us several centuries to learn the importance of animals, plants and microorganisms in human survival. Initially we considered many species a threat to our survival or as competitors for accessing natural resources.

Fortunately, newer research and study has made us realize the importance of coexisting in harmony with other objects in the Universe. We recognize the importance of microorganisms in protecting us against infection, allergy and cancer. We have also realized that preservation of endangered species of plants and animals is not just an exotic social cause but a basic need to maintain ecosystems and prevent climate change

It is important to recognize that we, as a race, are using our neural energy to understand the Universe around us and exist more harmoniously in it. For this, we are harnessing electronic energy, through various interfaces and devices. That is why keeping oneself updated on the use of these devices is important in bringer us closer to the Universe.
The worldwide use of Information technology connects the neural energy of millions instantaneously all over the world using electronic energy. This is a powerful advance in human beings connecting with the Universe because of ease of information and because it is eco-friendly.
Today, in the virtual world, much of our chores and activities, including religious and spiritual, can be performed or witnessed through electronic devices, anytime and anywhere in the world. Proxy-energy also conserves energy; it saves time and can generate worldwide positive energy through the collective use of electronic devices in spiritual activity. Being part of this is important to take our spiritual connection into the future.
Climate change is predominantly due to human activities. By being proactive in saving the Earth’s climate, each individual benefits himself or herself, while also benefitting other life-forms and the Earth. Hence, any endeavor in this regard, directly strengthens one’s connection with the Universe.
Human beings use machines to enhance speed, accuracy and scale. The mechanical energy of our limbs or vocal cords runs them. Microchips and computers are used in modern machines. They use binary language to process data – receiving, interpreting, generating output and storing.Human beings and machines use an interface to interact – human energy is absorbed by the machine, which in turn employs its own energy source and circuits to execute commands, based on inputs given by those operating them. Because of this, it is vital to appreciate the devices we use and maintain them well. By doing so, we remain in best harmony with them and get the best service out of them. Generations in the future may see a more seamless integration of human beings and machines.
With each advance of technological research in both the directions of infinity, our energy connection with the energy of the Universe rises. Hence, research will bring each passing generation of humankind closer to its connection with the Universe.

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“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait, a single moment, before starting to improve the world”
- Anne Frank